A word message board (Mojolicious::Lite version)

It is a "word message board". This is a rewrite of Easy Programming CGI / Perl, Chapter 5, Section 1, "A Word Message Board" using Mojolicious::Lite. I am.

A word message board short-message-bbs.pl

It is a simple bulletin board.

[f: id: perlcodesample: 20100201223906p: image]

Source code

A word This is the source code of the message board.

#! / usr / bin / env perl

use Mojolicious::Lite;
use utf8;
use Encode qw / encode decode /;

#Data file (app is Mojolicious object. Home is Mojo::Home object)
my $data_file = app->home->rel_file('bbs-data.txt');

#Create entry
post'/ create'=> sub {
  my $self = shift; # ($self is Mojolicious::Controller object)
  #Form data (This data is Already decoded)
  my $title = $self->param('title');
  my $message = $self->param('message');
  # Display error page if title is not exist.
  return $self->render(template =>'error', message =>'Please input title')
    unless $title;
  # Display error page if message is not exist.
  return $self->render(template =>'error', message =>'Please input message')
    unless $message;
  #Check title length
  return $self->render(template =>'error', message =>'Title is too long')
    if length $title> 30;
  #Check message length
  return $self->render(template =>'error', message =>'Message is too long')
    if length $message> 100;
  #Data and time
  my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = localtime;
  $month = $month + 1;
  $year = $year + 1900;
  # Format date (yyyy / mm / dd hh: MM: ss)
  my $datetime = sprintf(
    "%04s /%02s /%02s%02s:%02s:%02s",
  #Delete line breakes
  $message = ~ s / \ x0D \ x0A | \ x0D | \ x0A // g;
  #Writing data
  my $record = join("\ t", $datetime, $title, $message). "\ n";
  #File open to write
  open my $data_fh, ">>", $data_file
    or die "Cannot open $data_file: $!";
  $record = encode ('UTF-8', $record);
  print $data_fh $record;
  close $data_fh;
} =>'create';

get'/' => sub {
  my $self = shift;
  #Open data file (Create file if not exist)
  my $mode = -f $data_file?'<':'+>';
  open my $data_fh, $mode, $data_file
    or die "Cannot open $data_file: $!";
  #Read data
  my $entry_infos = [];
  while (my $line = <$data_fh>) {
    $line = decode ('UTF-8', $line);
    chomp $line;
    my @record = split / \ t /, $line;
    my $entry_info = {};
    $entry_info->{datetime} = $record [0];
    $entry_info->{title} = $record [1];
    $entry_info->{message} = $record [2];
    push @$entry_infos, $entry_info;
  close $data_fh;
  #Reverse data order
  @$entry_infos = reverse @$entry_infos;
  #Render index page
  $self->render(entry_infos => $entry_infos);

} =>'index';



    <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8">
    <title> Short Message BBS </title>
    <h1> Short Message BBS </h1>
    <form method = "post" action = "<%= url_for ('create')%>">
        Title Title
        <input type = "text" name = "title">
      <div> Message </div>
        <textarea name = "message" cols = "50" rows = "10"> </textarea>
        <input type = "submit" value = "Post">
  <%for my $entry_info (@$entry_infos) {%>
        <div> Title: <%= $entry_info->{title}%> (<%= $entry_info->{datetime}%>) </div>
        <div> Message </div>
        <div> <%= $entry_info->{message}%> </div>

    <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8">
    <title> Error </title>
    <%= $message%>

I'm using while statement to get a line from a file and display it.

Associated Information